Autumn 2022 London Grip
The Last Show
Autumn 2022 London Grip
The Last Show
14, 15 July Eunoia Review
Monster, In the Mouth of Narcissus
Monster, In the Mouth of Narcissus
01 June Across The Margin
Refuge, Silence in the Afternoon
Refuge, Silence in the Afternoon
21 November Another Chicago Magazine
22 September Dodging The Rain
Parked on a Quiet Cul-de-sac
21 November Another Chicago Magazine
22 September Dodging The Rain
Parked on a Quiet Cul-de-sac
Fall (Print & Online-PDF) Third Wednesday
Frequent Flyer, Ceasefire in Gaza
Frequent Flyer, Ceasefire in Gaza
23 July JMWW
20 June (Summer Issue) The Adirondack Review
Under the Spells of Canaan
Under the Spells of Canaan
08 October Across The Margin
Hotel Pacoima, Smooth Criminal
March (Sheltering Issue) MiGoZine
Prelude to a Quieter Epilogue, The Symptoms
4-6 January Eunoia Review
Study of Falling, Escaping Country, Immersions, Neighborhood Watch
12 November Hobart
Upward Mobility, Geraniums
27 December Eunoia Review
17 June Eunoia Review
Ballad for a Possible Monogamy, Fever, Foreplay
27 February Eunoia Review
After Another Saturday Night
15 September Horn & Ivory
Mojave; Sunset Junction
9 September Eunoia Review
An Autopsy for Another Weekend Night
Filipino American Artist Directory
Condemned to Accretions
[ ekphrastic poem on photograph #2 in Jeremy Keith Villaluz's "Enclave" ]
26 June Local Nomad
Civilization and its Discontents; Elegy
19 May Eunoia Review
In the Age of Innocence
27 February (Issue #2) Bombus Press
Prelude to a Quieter Epilogue
26 February FORTH Magazine
21 February The Galway Review
Escape, Ablutions, It's the weekend once again, The night howls, Flight Destinations
Issue 44 Otoliths
The Usual Handsome Cowlicks, Birth of a Ventriloquist
04 January Eunoia Review
January Eastlit
Breathing Exercises at a Dumpsite in Manila, Prelude to a Beauty Pageant,
In the Theater of Lino Brocka's "Macho Dancers"
Filipino American Artist Directory
The Symptoms
[ ekphrastic poem on Jean Vengua's painting "Masked Figure" (2016) ]
20 November Eunoia Review
Communion; Persistent Stories; This hollow
Issue 43 Otoliths
Driven; How to Purify the Air; Lombardy
8 Augus8 August Eunoia Review
2am; Dissolution
Issue 42 Otoliths
Prelude to Act I; We used to ditch class
5 November Poetry Pacific
21 January (36th Issue) Otoliths
08 October Across The Margin
Hotel Pacoima, Smooth Criminal
March (Sheltering Issue) MiGoZine
Prelude to a Quieter Epilogue, The Symptoms
4-6 January Eunoia Review
Study of Falling, Escaping Country, Immersions, Neighborhood Watch
12 November Hobart
Upward Mobility, Geraniums
27 December Eunoia Review
17 June Eunoia Review
Ballad for a Possible Monogamy, Fever, Foreplay
27 February Eunoia Review
After Another Saturday Night
15 September Horn & Ivory
Mojave; Sunset Junction
9 September Eunoia Review
An Autopsy for Another Weekend Night
Filipino American Artist Directory
Condemned to Accretions
[ ekphrastic poem on photograph #2 in Jeremy Keith Villaluz's "Enclave" ]
26 June Local Nomad
Civilization and its Discontents; Elegy
19 May Eunoia Review
In the Age of Innocence
27 February (Issue #2) Bombus Press
Prelude to a Quieter Epilogue
26 February FORTH Magazine
21 February The Galway Review
Escape, Ablutions, It's the weekend once again, The night howls, Flight Destinations
Issue 44 Otoliths
The Usual Handsome Cowlicks, Birth of a Ventriloquist
04 January Eunoia Review
January Eastlit
Breathing Exercises at a Dumpsite in Manila, Prelude to a Beauty Pageant,
In the Theater of Lino Brocka's "Macho Dancers"
Filipino American Artist Directory
The Symptoms
[ ekphrastic poem on Jean Vengua's painting "Masked Figure" (2016) ]
20 November Eunoia Review
Communion; Persistent Stories; This hollow
Issue 43 Otoliths
Driven; How to Purify the Air; Lombardy
8 Augus8 August Eunoia Review
2am; Dissolution
Issue 42 Otoliths
Prelude to Act I; We used to ditch class
20 April Poetry Pacific
Anchor; Distance
Anchor; Distance
5 November Poetry Pacific
Meteorology; Sonoran Desert Border; Our speed assails 45
25 Febuary (#Null Issue) LUTT MAGAZIN (Germany)
25 Febuary (#Null Issue) LUTT MAGAZIN (Germany)
21 January (36th Issue) Otoliths
5 November Poetry Pacific
August 5 Poetry Pacific
19 February The Common (Amherst)
29 January (Reprint) Ink Sweat & Tears
10 December Ink Sweat & Tears
November poeticdiversity
July Munyori Literary Journal
May (Issue 29) Otoliths
February (Bathtub/Water Issue) MiPOesias
September Pyrta (Fall Issue 5)
July Blue Fifth Review
July Philippines Free Press
2 May Asia Writes
April/May (43) Electronic Monsoon Magazine
Tales of Winter & Exile (reprint)
13 January Caliope Nerve
10 December Tertulia Magazine (folded)
In the Labyrinth of Serpent Tattoos;
A Theology of Darfur
Fall BlazeVOX
18 August Asia Writes
4 June Metazen
June (Issue 3.2) Prick of the Spindle
April/May Eclectica
April Otoliths
Winter Melt Issue Mannequin Envy (folded)
February Underground Voices
December Galatea Resurrects
Winter Kartika Review
Cruising on Revisitation (republished in BluePrintReview)
November Tertulia Magazine (folded)
October Zygote in My Coffee
September elimae
Summer XCP: Streetnotes